Lesson Program

Sound comes from the hands. Music comes from the heart.

Band Instruments
We offer a comprehensive music program for young people and adults, and will be looking to expand into other activities including:
Individual lessons
Group lessons
Opportunities to play in ensembles
...and other musical experiences
You may pay for lessons when you come in for your first lesson. Often people find it convenient to pay for four or more lessons at a time, but they may be paid for on a lesson-by-lesson basis as well - whatever works for you.
If you have financial concerns, please give us a call. We have some scholarships available and will always be looking for ways to make this inclusive for everyone.
While our program offers a lot, we aren't rigid. The beauty of music is how very personal and individual it is, so if you have different needs, give us a call or message. You can contact us at (715) 409-2047 or email contact@lakewindsmusic.com.

We have two beautiful lesson rooms that we call The Grand Room and The Control Room. The Grand Room earned its name because of the awesome Yamaha baby grand piano we are so fortunate to have. It is on loan to us from our generous neighbors, John Lince-Hopkins and Susan Lince from Arts Squared in Washburn. The Control Room has its name because it also contains the control room for our recording studio.

You will find the accessories you need in our retail store, and get comfortable sipping a warm drink on our couch by the fireplace while you wait for your lesson.
We welcome your thoughts if you have a program idea!
Janice Nelson
Janice Nelson received her music degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and has decades of teaching and performing experience. With a patient and enthusiastic approach, she looks forward to helping you meet your musical goals!
Debra Powers
Deb Powers started learning string instruments way back in 4th grade and has loved getting to work with so many people over the years. She taught public school orchestra in the Ashland School District for 35 years and recently retired. She's looking forward to sharing her love of string instruments with new students!
Sean VanZeeland
Sean is a man of many hats! He is known as a performer, multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, school teacher, instrument repair tech, and piano tuner. At Lakewinds, his students can choose from a variety of instruments, genres, and methods, all depending on their interests and goals.
James Shafstall
James Shafstall is a guitar player, singer, and songwriter. He grew up in the Northwoods; after a 20-year life journey that took him about as far from home as he could be, both geographically and spiritually, he is happy to be living back in his homeland and playing, teaching, and promoting music for a living. Musically speaking, James has studied blues, folk, country, classical, and jazz. In addition to obsessing over the guitar, he is also a vocalist. His music reflects both his diverse experiences and the spirit of the North.